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NCSL Panel — Working on Workforce: The National Service Factor

At the 2022 National Conference of State Legislatures Summit, held August 1-3, ASC helped organize a panel on national service and workforce development. The panel focused on how national service programs like AmeriCorps can strengthen the workforce, and the panelists discussed funding, community impact, best practices, and bipartisan policy opinions that state legislators are using to make a meaningful difference in their worker pipelines.



  • John Kelly, Executive Director, Serve Colorado
  • Rep. Matt Wilhelm, New Hampshire state representative
  • Rep. Dave Baker, Minnesota state representative
  • Sonali Nijhawan, Director of AmeriCorps State and National, AmeriCorps agency



About States for Service
States for Service is the privately funded, grassroots policy arm of America’s Service Commissions, the nonprofit association of the 52 state service commissions. The States for Service coalition works to reinforce the critical role state service commissions play in developing and advancing service in states to meet community and state needs. States for Service aims to influence policy, grant, and regulatory issues related to state service commissions, AmeriCorps State programs, and other state service programs such as AmeriCorps Seniors, AmeriCorps VISTA, and the Volunteer Generation Fund.

About America's Service Commissions
America's Service Commissions is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing and promoting the 52 state service commissions across the United States and territories with the mission to lead and elevate the state service network. State service commissions are governor-appointed public agencies or nonprofit organizations made up of more than 1,000 commissioners, private citizens leading the nation's service movement and administering more than 75 percent of the federal AmeriCorps funds to address pressing community needs.