Monday, December 23, 2019 11:58 AM

Happy Holidays from ASC!

Thank you all for a fantastic 2019 of advancing state service through events, trainings, peer learning and mentoring, awards, and professional development! We are proud of what we've accomplished this year. All of us at ASC wish you a lovely holiday season and new year filled with peace and joy.

Our offices will be closed December 25 - January 1. We will reopen on January 2, 2020.

Happy new year!

-Kaira, Rachel, Tom, Emily, Elisa and Monica

front of 2019 ASC holiday card. Text reads be jolly! Images display AmeriCorps members serving, two folks hugging, and a group of people at an ASC event.

back of 2019 ASC holiday card. Four photos display several groups of people at ASC events as well as AmeriCorps members serving. Text reads Wishing you a lovely holiday season and a new year filled with peace and joy. Kaira, Rachel, Elisa, Tom, Monica, Emily